Statistic Reports


Course Participation   

Enrollments: The number of students/learners enrolled to all the available courses in the system (within the time duration)

Completions: The number of learner completions from all the available courses in the system (within the time duration)



Note: Here time duration means – week, month, year, or custom date (in another words, timeline filter)


Learners: The number of learners who has started learning at least one course. (User who is already a learner is not considered as a new learner here, within the time duration)

Instructor: The number of instructors who has started teaching at least one course. (User, who is already an instructor is not considered as a new instructor here, within the time duration)





Active: The number of learners active for the last two hours (even if you log in, stay on the system and log out after a few minutes, you will be considered as active with in that time).

Unique: The number of unique/new visits to your LMS site irrespective of roles, within the time duration





Completions: The number of assignments completed by the learners from all the courses, within a timeline.

Total: The total number of assignments created from the all courses on your system, within a timeline.

Active: The number of assignments available (active/inactive status) from all the courses for learners, within a timeline.






Quiz Completions: The number of quizzes (from all courses) completed by the learners, within a timeline.

Total: The total number of quizzes created from the all courses on your system, within a timeline.

Active: The number of quizzes available (active/inactive status)  from all the courses for learners, within a timeline.






Scorm completions: The number of Scorms (from all courses) completed by the learners, within a timeline.

Total: The total number of Scorms created from the all courses on your system, within a timeline.

Active: The number of Scorms available (active/inactive status) from all the courses for learners, within a timeline.






Resources Views: The number of Resource type activity (from all courses) visits, within a timeline.

Total: The total number of activities created from the all courses on your system, within a timeline.

Resources: The number of Resources (PPT, Pages, Resources, and other resource types) available (active/inactive status) from all the courses for learners, within a timeline




Trending Browser

Browser: The browser from which your users access your LMS site more, within a timeline

No. of Users: The total number of users who access your LMS site from the corresponding to the trending browser, within a timeline.



trending browser



Top Registrations

Country: The country from which you have more registrations, within a timeline.

Registrations: The total number of registrations corresponding to the country , within a timeline.


Top Registrations




Top Access Country

Country: The country from which you get a greater number of visits to your LMS site, within a timeline.

Total: The total number of accesses corresponding to the country (the top access location), within a timeline.


Top Access Location



Most Accessed

Device type: The device from which you get a greater number of visits to your LMS site, within a timeline.

Total: The total number of accesses corresponding to the device (the most accessed device), within a timeline.




Based on the timespent within a timeline, you get the following stats:

Trending Course: The course on which learners spend more time on your LMS

Top Learner: The learner who spent more time to learn something on your LMS

Trending Activity: The activity which has a great number of visits from your learners

Trending Resource: The resource which has a great number of hits/access time

Trending Quiz: The quiz which is accessed a great number of times by your learners

Trending Assignment: The assignment which is accessed a great number of time by your learners

Trending SCORM: The SCORM which is accessed a great number of time by your learners

Trending Page: The page which is accessed a great number of time by your learners


time spent


time spent1


Student’s Dashboard

My Courses participation

Enrollments: The number of courses you, as a student, enrolled to within a timeline.

Completions: The number of courses you completed as a student from the enrolled courses, within a timeline.



My Activities

Activities: The number of activities available to you from the courses you enrolled to as a student/learner, within a timeline.

Completions: The number of activities you completed as a student from the courses you enrolled to, within a timeline.


my activites



My Quizzes

Quizzes: The number of quizzes available for you from the courses you enrolled to as a student, within a timeline.

Completions: The number of quizzes you completed as a student from the courses you enrolled to, within a timeline.

my quizzes

My Assignments

Assignments: The number of available to you to complete from the courses you enrolled to as a student, within a timeline.

Completions: The number of assignments you have completed so far from the courses you enrolled to, within a timeline.



My Resources

The resources available to you at present from the courses you enrolled to, within a timeline.

Active Learners

The number of students active on the LMS for the last two hours.

Active Users

The number of users (including teachers, students and others) active on the LMS for the last two hours.

Average time-spent on LMS

The average time-spent on the system by students/teachers since the time of LearnerScript installation. The average time-spent on LMS by the admin will have ‘Zero’.

Average time-spent on LMS


Enrolled Courses

The number of courses enrolled to by a student/teacher.



Maximum Time-spent on Activity Levels

The highest amount of time-spent on an activity


Maximum Time-spent in Course

The highest amount of time-spent on anything in a particular course.


Maximum Time-spent on LMS

The maximum amount of time-spent on the LMS by all users.



Total: The number of activities available overall

Resources: The number of resources available overall


No Login Courses

Total Courses: The total number of courses a student/teacher enrolled to.

No Login Courses: The number of no login courses by a student/teacher

no login courses



Site Visits

The number of site views by students & teachers on the LMS

site visits


Teacher Activities

Total: The total number of activities available for a teacher from his/her enrolled courses.

Active: The number of activities active from the total activities on the system



Total Time-spent

The amount of time-spent on the LMS by learners & teachers. For the admin, the time-spent will be displayed as ‘ZERO’.

total time spent

 Assignment status
This report shows the stats about the assignment status.