Typically, when you get a learning analytics tool, this is what you do: You install it and start off configuring the tool to suit your requirements.
Typically, when you get a learning analytics tool, this is what you do: You install it and start off configuring the tool to suit your requirements.
At the outset, that’s the question we would like to answer on your behalf. And that’s what you want anyone to let you know, right?
One of the futuristic features of LearnerScript, the advanced analytics and reporting plugin for Moodle, is its Report-as-a-widget.
LearnerScript, the Moodle advanced analytics and reporting plugin, is now compatible with IOMAD, a multi-tenacity solution for Moodle Learning
Almost two months ago, that is on 20th May 2019, Moodle HQ released its latest Moodle 3.7 version. It’s a first major update this year.
If you want to view your Moodle analytics reports, what will you do usually? Simply you login into the system each time you want to see your LMS reports.
Beginning from this May, LearnerScript is compatible with the world’s most favorite databases – MSSQL, MariaDB and PL/pgSQL.
Without a proper reporting platform, eLearning industry is anything but unorganized. To have organized, efficient learning/training
With the advancement of technology, much water has flown under the bridge in designing arena for from cities to implements to applications
Think of Michelangelo paintings. Think of Steve Jobs’ iPhone. What did you see from the designs? History tells us that a good design not only creates exceptional