My Badges

My Badges Roles: Admin, Student Filters: Courses and Duration Filter Parent Report: Badges, Learners’ Summary Description: This report helps the user to know about the badges achieved by the learners and the detailed overview of the badges. Using columns like course, issuer, created on, completion criteria for the course and the expiry date. Columns Description Badge… Continue reading My Badges

Badge Summary

Badge Summary Roles: Admin Filters: Courses and Duration Filter Parent Report: No Parent Report Description: This report shows the complete badge summary. Using this report user can have a complete overview of badge details like badge issuer, course to which the badge belongs to, completion criteria, description of badge, recipients of the particular badge and expiry… Continue reading Badge Summary

Enrolled Courses

Enrolled Courses Roles: Admin, Teacher, Student Filters: Courses, Module and Duration Filter Parent Report: Learners Summary Description: Using this report user can see the list of courses which are enrolled by a particular learner and the course status by column in-progress, completed and the overall grading achieved by the learner for that particular course. A learner… Continue reading Enrolled Courses

Learner Resources

Learner Resources Roles: Admin Required Parameters: Courses Filters: Duration Filter Parent Report: No Parent Report Description: This report shows the list of learners and the resources they have enrolled user can check the list of learners no. of resources, time-spent on total resources and no. of views. Columns Description Learner List of learner fields like name,… Continue reading Learner Resources


My SCORM Roles: Admin, Student Filters: Courses and Duration Filter Parent Report: Learner SCORM’s Overview Description: With this report user can have a view of SCORMs in the enrolled courses and the detailed overview of attempted SCORMs, number of attempts made, gradings and accessed information. Columns Description SCORM List of SCORM fields like name, version, SCORM… Continue reading My SCORM

Learner SCORM’s Overview

Learner SCORM’s Overview Roles: Admin Required Parameters: Courses Filters: Users and Duration Filter Parent Report: No Parent Report Description: Using this report user can have the overview of SCORMS by the list of learners and the SCORMs status using in-progress, completed, failed SCORMs, last access and the average time spent on the SCORMs. Columns Description Learner… Continue reading Learner SCORM’s Overview

My Assignments

My Assignments Roles: Admin, Teacher, Student Filters: Courses and Duration Filter Parent Report: Learner Assignments Description: This report shows the list of Assignment in a course to which the user has enrolled to and the in – detailed information like number of submissions by user, pass grade, max grade in the assignment, lowest and the status… Continue reading My Assignments

Learner Assignments

Learner Assignments Roles: Admin, Teacher Required Parameters: Courses Filters: Users and Duration Filter Parent Report: No Parent Report Description: Using this report user can have an overview of learner and the assignments which are completed, attempted, submitted, total number of assignment and the time-spent on these assignment by them. User can see the individual assignments and… Continue reading Learner Assignments

My Quizzes

My Quizzes Roles: Admin, Teacher, Student Filters: Courses and Duration Filter Parent Report: Learner Quizzes Description: This report shows the Quizzes in the courses which user has enrolled to and the number of attempts he performed the quiz, minimum pass grade, highest grade in the quiz, status of the quiz whether it is attempted or not… Continue reading My Quizzes

Learner Quizzes

Learner Quizzes Roles: Admin, Teacher Required Parameters: Courses Filters: Users and Duration Filter Parent Report: No Parent Report Description: This report shows the list of learners and their quizzes overview whether they have started or completed or in-progress and the total no of quizzes they have completed, and the total time-spent on the quizzes. Columns Description… Continue reading Learner Quizzes