admin |5 years ago| 3 Minutes Read
5 Predominant Report Ideas for Insightful Moodle Analytics

Report Ideas for Insightful Moodle Analytics

What insights do you want to see when you pull the data from your Moodle system? What learning analytics do you want to draw by visualizing them to make informed decisions about your learners and Learning and Development (L&D) strategies? Consider these five predominant report ideas to figure out what’s going on with learning plans by letting yourself know the insights from the data.

#1 Enrollment & Completion Course Rates

These data points help you know the overall enrollment rates to Moodle courses and their completion rates. By looking at the analytics and reports, you can see which course is getting the highest or the lowest enrolments and why it is getting so. So much so you can emulate the strategy to other courses. Plus, you can analyze the completion rates. Are the learners completing the courses till the end or leaving them in midway? If they are leaving them midway, what’s the issue with them? Likewise, draw out the informed insights from the analytics and reports from the Moodle Learning Management System (Moodle LMS).

#2 Average Time-spent on Each Course

The idea behind this report idea is to know how good a Moodle course is, where the learners are accessing them from, which course is faring well, and what device they are using to access the course contents. By using this report idea, you will be informed about the engagement or non-engagement of learners. If the learners’ participation is less for a Moodle course, then figure out why so that you can make changes to that course and other courses to make them better. Thus, you can improvise the learners’ engagement using the average time-spent metric for a Moodle course.

#3 SCORM Time-spent Tracking

You know that SCORM is widely used on Moodle LMS. Your learning strategies involve video format content. Be it course contents, quizzes, compliance training material, and cybersecurity training content. This report idea augurs well for you. By using this SCORM time tracking, you can see how much time your learners engaged with your learning/training content on the SCORM. It helps you improve your content material again for better participation and engagement of learners on your eLearning deliverables.

#4 Forum Activity Analytics

So, do you have the forums on your LMS? Do you see your learners’ participating by raising a topic or asking for clarity about any topic they are going through? This report idea is meant to gauge the learners’ participation in Moodle forums. As you know, “Active learning involves active participation.” Nothing less than that makes it interesting! So, use this report idea to get which learner is engaged more, which learner is not, what you can do to improve their engagement, and so on. You can segregate them into analytics and reports based on the forum topic-wise to know the top participants and the trending forum topics.

#5 Assignment Completions

How about checking the assignment completions and pending assignments, along with their due dates, from your learners? How about tracking the ungraded assignments, along with their due dates, from your teachers? Using this report idea, you can draw such insights as aforementioned. Thus, you can keep track of your learners as well as their teachers and devise learning strategies to improvise their learning and development so as so to increase the ROI.

In conclusion, these report ideas are common irrespective of the platforms you employ for training and development. Thus they are predominant to draw out much-needed insights from your LMS data.

And the research we did help figure out the existing difficulties to analyze the data for better Moodle learning analytics and insights. LearnerScript fits the gap for advanced analytics. If you want to know more, contact us now.

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