admin |4 years ago| 5 Minutes Read
12 Reasons for Why You Need This Moodle Analytics Plugin

Why You Need Moodle Analytics Plugin

When you think of Moodle learning analytics, what problems come to your mind while measuring them? Depending on the context, your answer might change from time to time.

What if all such problems you have encountered will be answered in a single Moodle analytics plugin? Yes, LearnerScript is offered as a good analytics and reporting tool to counter all the problems you are facing now.

Here in this write-up, 12 reasons are given for why you need this advanced analytics plugin for Moodle LMS. Take the tour of LearnerScript’s highlights here and can’t agree more!

#1 Role-wise, Multiple Moodle Analytics Dashboards

How about role-wise, multiple dashboards for your Moodle analytics?

Get role-wise multiple Moodle analytics dashboards on LearnerScript. If you have a requirement, you can add a new dashboard according to that need. No prior training or technical knowledge required for adding a new, custom Moodle dashboard.

In case you want to know more, attend one of our webinars where the product makers will expound on how to create a new dashboard on a live demo.

#2 Custom Moodle Dashboards

Guess what? One fit doesn’t suit all, right? So does a dashboard.

The one great flexibility on LearnerScript is you can customize your dashboards. Absolutely, you can customize the dashboards as per your requirement. You can make the dashboards reflect your branding with a choice of colors, icons, tiles, fonts, etc.

Or add a new report to the same.  That way you can completely customize your Moodle reporting dashboards to suit your exact needs.  That’s the bottom line.

#3 Create Moodle Reports

So, you want to add a custom Moodle report? Well, you can. It’s not rocket science.

Design your Moodle reports faster, better, and even more so in a single page. Really, creating Moodle reports is now a single-page affair. In LearnerScript, there is no cap on the number of LMS reports having/making for any number of users.

You know what? You may not find this facility to create a new LMS report in other third-party tools.

#4 Moodle Report as Widget

Create a Moodle report as a smart widget. When you do so, you can enable the report anywhere in the LMS. And to your surprise, it will showcase the data of that respective page when you enable it on that page.

  • When your LMS report is designed as a block, it becomes a widget
  • You can then place your report on the dashboard or outside it
  • A widget is a page pertinent. Depending on a page you enable it, a widget showcases that page data only
  • All Canned Reports from LearnerScript are available as widgets

#5 Schedule LMS Reports

How often do you login to schedule your LMS reports? It does make you exhausted, doesn’t it?

That is why we bring out yet another excellent feature on LearnerScript that really makes your job cool. Schedule your LMS reports without logging into the system every time. You can slate the reports for daily or weekly releases.

#6 Responsive Design

The responsive design of LearnerScript enables you to access your learning analytics reports at any time, anywhere from any device – desktop, laptop or tablet.

Not just the reports, but you can access your courses with this feature’s help, for personalized learning. That way LearnerScript helps you learn and develop personally, at your own pace.

#7 Compatible with Multiple Databases

What if you and your tool provider employ different databases? Simply you can’t get the Moodle learning analytics. Either you have to switch to the same database, or the tool must be cross-compatible of databases.

LearnerScript goes the extra mile in this case. The add-on is cross-compatible with the world’s most favorite databases – MySQL, MSSQL, MariaDB, and PL/pgSQL. Whatever the database you employ, we are compatible with that to serve your need for Moodle learning analytics.

#8 Canned Reports

85+ Canned Reports are available. With LearnerScript, you get 85+ canned reports by default. They are readily available for use. These reports are perfect for use unless you need heavy customization or a completely new report as per your requirement.

As it is mentioned in the above paragraphs, these default reports in LearnerScript are widgets.

#9 One Time Purchase

In most instances, the affordability of the tool plays a deciding role even if the tool has awesome features.

However, LearnerScript goes further to make itself available to tens of thousands of Moodle educators and trainers across the globe.

The tool is available as One Time Purchase (OTP). With that, you get the tool once for all, with the complete Source Code. No monthly subscriptions or any sort of hidden costs.

#10 Site-wide Reports

Let us say, for example, you have 20 single activity courses on your Moodle LMS. The question here is, does make anything interesting when you get an LMS report for such single activity courses? I don’t think you do, don’t you?

In such cases, Site Level Reports (or, Moodle Site-wide Reports) help you have a better picture of your courses and their learners.

#11 Tables, Graphs & Charts

These are the various forms through which you can showcase your Moodle learning analytics. As per your requirement, you can pick and choose the kind of form that aptly describes your learner’s a-z stuff on the Moodle LMS.

For quick search and easy navigation on the Moodle LMS, you can also set the filters. They definitely enhance your user experience. By the way, you can have these forms of analytics and reports in the download format you require.

#12 Multiple Moodle Versions

You might be thinking about whether this Moodle plugin is a good fit for your Moodle version 3.0.

Well, this Moodle analytics plugin is available for over a half dozen  Moodle versions starting from 3.0 and above. Without any doubt, you can employ LearnerScript for the versions stated above.


Find some more interesting points, about LearnerScript, that may help you explore it holistically. We are sure this tool will excite you more than the mere word and will be your future Moodle analytics tool.

A. Made by a Moodle Partner

Who can understand the needs of Moodle educators and users much better than others except the Moodle Partners themselves?

Out of such understanding came out this Moodle analytics plugin, LearnerScript, from eAbyas Info Solutions, which has been a Moodle Partner and the open-source advocate. This tool, as we believe, bridges the gap between the eLearning on Moodle LMS and the dearth of Moodle analytics dashboards.

And we strive to improve this Moodle analytics plugin so that you improve your education, with informed learning analytics. Therefore, there is no best alternative to LearnerScript as some claim to have.

B. Multitenant Moodle/IOMAD

Do you have a plain Moodle or multitenant Moodle LMS such as IOMAD and Corporate LMS? No issues.

LearnerScript offers two variants of Moodle analytics: for plain Moodle LMS and for multitenant IOMAD Moodle. For IOMAD, there is a separate IOMAD demo site available for you to walk through.

If you employ any multitenant Moodle platform for your L&D, then explore the possibility of Moodle reporting from LearnerScript.

C. Stats about LearnerScript

Sometimes, the statistics help you drive away your doubts and lets you zero in. That’s the same we want to include these statistics for Moodle educators like you.

These numbers tell you the incredible journey of LearnerScript over its two years. The team has joined in partnership with talented, expert teams in Moodle around the world.

And your organization can be one of them. Come and join us on this incredible journey with LearnerScript.

In conclusion, you can find many such interesting reasons for why you can go for this Moodle analytics plugin – like calculations, permissions, drill-down, switch dashboards, instant communication channels, etc.

Interesting? Do join us in one of our free webinars and you’ll come to know them first-hand with the live demo from our product makers.

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