admin |5 years ago| 1 Minute Read
New Update: RTL Support in LearnerScript

LearnerScript RTL language support

LearnerScript, the Moodle learning analytics and reporting tool, now supports RTL. The acronym stands for Right to Left. This new update on our plugin enables the same to be in certain RTL languages such as Arabic and Hebrew.

And this step helps us cater to the Moodle analytics needs of Moodle educators in those geographies.

Generally, the web applications support LTR (Left to Right) for the English and other such language users. However, when the same applications start supporting RTL, everything has to be reversed – the buttons, scroll bars, menu position, etc.

Accordingly, you will see all the components (buttons, bars, menus, etc.) in-line to support RTL.

Visit our LearnerScript page to check out this new RTL support.

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