Unlike the other Learning Management Systems (LMSs), Moodle is ahead of the crowd in employing the technology to improve the world through education.
Unlike the other Learning Management Systems (LMSs), Moodle is ahead of the crowd in employing the technology to improve the world through education.
If you are a Moodle user and want to customize your LMS to leverage to the maximum extent possible, then you have to use helpful Moodle plugins.
LearnerScript, the Moodle advanced analytics and reporting plugin, is now compatible with IOMAD, a multi-tenacity solution for Moodle Learning
Almost two months ago, that is on 20th May 2019, Moodle HQ released its latest Moodle 3.7 version. It’s a first major update this year.
A LearnerScript lançou um site novo, para caprichar nas informações e facilitar ainda mais a compreensão sobre como a LearnerScript pode ser uma solução robusta e inteligente para analisar aprendizagem com o Moodle. Em uma palestra na Universidade da Pensilvânia em 1973, Thomas J. Watson Jr., ex-chefe da IBM, cunhou esta notável frase: bom design… Continue reading O lançamento do novo site do LearnerScript